Economic Survey of Boaters Underway

August 2002. The School of Forestry at Northern Arizona University, in cooperation with Grand Canyon National Park, is currently conducting a first-ever regional economic impact study of Grand Canyon river running. The study will include an analysis of both non-commercial and commercial boating. To accurately represent non-commercial regional expenditures, all permit holders in the 2001 calendar year will receive a questionnaire in the mail. It is critical to have as many questionnaires as possible returned. If you participated in a non-commercial Grand Canyon river trip last year, contact your trip permit holder and encourage them to complete the questionnaire. This ground breaking study will bring more recognition to the (as of now, unknown) regional economic contributions of do-it-yourself river runners on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park. This study is being conducted by Evan E. Hjerpe, Research Assistant, Northern Arizona University, 928/523-8275,