

We are very pleased to have several brand new copies of this classic out of print book to offer you. The Gaskills have compiled a stunning collection of photographs of Glen Canyon before the dam so we can appreciate what is no longer visible.


$52 includes shipping in the USA.

Dock Marston: Grand Canyon's Colorado River Running Historian Volume 1 seamlessly chronicles the life of Colorado River Historian Otis Reed “Dock” Marston from his birth in 1894 through 1960, the year he upran the Grand Canyon by jetboat. 


Day Hikes from the River, 5th Edition, by Tom Martin. This is the 5th edition of this very popular guide to 100 hikes from camps on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park. It includes color photos, a sewn and hinged binding for exceptional durability, and two extra hikes. Detailed descriptions and topographical maps make this a must-have for anyone wanting to explore the seldom-visited delights in Grand Canyon''s backcountry as well as expanded explanations of the famous attractions. Updated to include the latest 2006 river management plan site restrictions.


The traditional RiverMap, but published by the good folks at Dolores River Boating Advocates, who note:

We are grateful for the orders we receive from Canada. Please note that shipping to Canada costs extra. You will see what the extra amount is listed with each item. If you want your order to ship, kindly make a donation in that extra postage amount with your order. Thank you!


Duwain Whitis and Tom Martin have teamed up again to write and design a new Arkansas Rivermap, Guide to the Arkansas River, Colorado. This guide covers the Arkansas River beginning at Hayden Meadows above Granite and covers the 115 miles of river from there to Cañon City. River sections include Pine Creek, Numbers, Fractions, Milk Run, Browns Canyon, Stone Bridge to Rincon, Rincon to Pinnacle Rock, Parkdale and Royal Gorge.

List price

Gila River Elegy is a guidebook, but more importantly, it tells the story of Jon Fuller’s epic canoe journey from the headwaters in New Mexico to its confluence with the Colorado River. The Gila has not been run in its entirety for over a hundred years and can no longer be run in one long river trip.


Guide to the Rogue River, Wild & Scenic River, Oregon, Galice to Foster Bar

by Duwain Whitis and Barbara Vinson

Another recent edition to the outstanding Rivermaps line of river running guidebooks, this full-color guide is overlaid on USGS topographical maps covering the Rogue River section of Galice to Foster Ba


Guide to the Green River in Desolation and Gray Canyons

This guidebook has the same format as our other popular river guides with text and photos on the left page and an accompanying topo map on the right.  The guidebook includes introductory text describing permit requirements, geology, history and archaeology, and desert life. With 39 terrific color photographs and 3 watercolor illu