
By Duwain Whitis and Barbara Vinson

Winner of the 2009 National Outdoor Book Award - Outdoor Adventure Guidebook Category, the Guide to the Green and Yampa River in Dinosaur National Monument is another of the legendary guidebooks published by RiverMaps™. This beautiful and complete map features useful camp, lunch, hiking, geology, attraction site and river running details and fine photographs. The detailed descriptions accompany titles and mileage overlaid on USGS topo maps (scale 1” = 2000’) and depict the river as it flows and as you are seeing it, from the bottom of the page to the top, making it very easy to read. It covers the Yampa River from about 1 mile above the put-in at Deerlodge Park and the Green River from 2 miles above the put-in down to about 1 mile below the takeout ramp at Split Mountain. Synthetic, waterproof and tear resistant guide is 8.5" X 14", spiral-bound to lay flat.36 pages with 13 maps, 44+46 miles, all-color photographs $28, includes US Shipping. (Canada add $10.)
